Golf Academy
On the Golf Academy page you will learn valuable tips and lessons by the pros in the world of golf. If you are interested in improving any part of your golf game you will probably find just what you are looking for in Tee Times Magazines large collection of articles and lessons.
Lower Your Scores By Knowing Your Yardages
This season my column in Tee Times is going to focus on playing the game of golf and on course strategy and approach to help you score better.
Building A Golfer From Scrath
This season, I am asking the reader to follow along each issue as we build a “new” golfer from “scratch”, and who knows, YOU might even become a SCRATCH GOLFER!
Fix Your Slice Forever – Part 5
This month we are going to focus on drills and exercises to influence the face of the golf club. The face of the club has by far the biggest influence on the initial direction of the ball.
Working Smarter Not Harder
It went too fast, but we are approaching the end of another season. My goal for this season’s articles was to stay consistent with the theme of COMMON DENOMINATORS of top players.
Fix Your Slice Forever – Part 4
By knowing how to influence the path/face relationship you can correct your slice and play better golf.
Working Smarter Not Harder
An assumption that your personal development must need something ADDED to move to your next level…Be careful!
Fix Your Slice Forever – Part 3
By knowing how to influence the path/face relationship you can correct your slice and play better golf.
During those periods of poor golf performance, perhaps when most “desperate”, you may become susceptible to believing that there must be some void, some missing skill?
Fix Your Slice Forever – Part 2
A slice is undesirable because it curves away from the target too much, generally doesn’t go as far, and the golfer has less control of the ball.
All elements of the set-up; grip, stance, posture, alignment, and ball position all should be constructed for bio-mechanical functionality.
Fix Your Slice Forever – Part 1
My mentor and friend, Hank Haney (golf coach to well over 100 tour players including Tiger Woods during his career) always says that “the road to good golf has no right turns”. By right turns Hank is saying good golf has no slices!
This is the first of an on-going series to identify the COMMON DENOMINATORS of all successful players. Each issue, I will make you aware of one or more of the commonalities required to eliminate all wasted practice time. Interested?
It’s All About Impact – Centeredness Of Contact
In striking the golf ball, impact is where the clubface gives the golf ball all its instructions on its flight. The ball’s direction, trajectory, and curve are all determined in the 1/2000 of a second that the golf ball spends on the clubface.
Building Golf Motions Like A Snowball
This piece isn’t designed to describe the details of each golf shot, but to ask the reader to consider building their swings from small to big motions following proven motor skill research.
It’s All About Impact – Club Path
The club’s path is the direction of the swing through impact relative to the target line. The direction of clubface relative to the path at impact creates the curve of the golf ball
Do you fear taking golf lessons? Do you believe that the professional will overload you with information?