Fairways & Greens - Minnesota

Fairways and Greens Minnesota

Fairways and Greens – Minnesota contains a large collection of articles where you can read about a variety of wonderful golf experiences in and around the Minnesota golf courses. Enjoy reading our articles on your favorite subjects!

The Queen – Gross National Golf Club

The Queen – Gross National Golf Club

The story behind Gross National Golf Club, opened in 1925, reads like a modern day soap opera. Gross was the troubled child, but like many troubled children she turned out great when she grew up.

The King – Columbia Golf Club

The King – Columbia Golf Club

With the stunning success of Glenwood Park Golf Course, Theodore Wirth convinced Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board (MPRB) members it was time to create a sibling or second golf course.

The Ace – Wirth Golf Club

The Ace – Wirth Golf Club

If Theodore Wirth is the father of Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board (MPRB) golf courses, then appropriately – the first-born child should be named after the father.

Cragun’s – A 9.5 Star Resort

Cragun’s – A 9.5 Star Resort

For all the acclaim their Brainerd Lakes neighbors get, it would be easy to overlook Cragun’s Resort. But that would be a significant mistake! Cragun’s provides many of the same resort amenities as the others: cabins, lakeside/lake-view lodging, a spa, spectacular service and tons of water sports activities.

Play Where Arnie Plays – The Benefits Of Membership At TPC Twin Cities

Play Where Arnie Plays – The Benefits Of Membership At TPC Twin Cities

So you’re socializing with golfing friends and discussing the upcoming season. A newcomer to the group asks if anyone is a member at a private club. This is when you casually mention that your course, TPC Twin Cities, is the only one in the Minnesota to regularly host a PGA TOUR Champions Tour event.

The Wilderness At Fortune Bay – Call Of The Wild

The Wilderness At Fortune Bay – Call Of The Wild

A well-known Bible story has Moses stranded in the wilderness for 40 years. His fortune… pretty unfortunate. We’re left to assume his “wilderness” had to have been pretty rough. Pretty barren. Pretty much not pretty. Clearly he wasn’t in…

Golden Eagle Golf Club – Mission Accomplished

Golden Eagle Golf Club – Mission Accomplished

Take a look around. This is really going to be good.” Whether it was Bruce McIntosh (owner and man with the plan) saying it to his co-designer Mike Morley, or Mike (14 year PGA TOUR Vet and course designer extraordinaire) saying it to “Mac,” the message was concise and clear. “Let’s not mess this up.”

A Lot Of Green Golf

A Lot Of Green Golf

During this off-season, golfers on the south side of town will find a very pleasant surprise at A Lot of Green Golf. You’ve seen the golf dome just south of the intersection of County Road 42 and Burnsville Parkway for years, but you haven’t seen…

The Bunker Indoor Golf

The Bunker Indoor Golf

The Bunker Indoor Golf By Brad Parrott Looking to keep your competitive edge, feed your desire for competition, or just want to hit some golf balls in a controlled environment? The Bunker Indoor Golf Center located in Minnetonka is your answer....

Acceleration Golf And Fitness

Acceleration Golf And Fitness

Being a golfer from Wisconsin, no matter how good of shape I am in (or not) I can always expect a little soreness after my first few rounds of the new golf season. After 5 to 6 months off of swinging a golf club is all it takes for the muscles to get lazy.

The Heights Indoor Golf

The Heights Indoor Golf

The Heights Indoor Golf By Brad Parrott Over the years it seems that golf and bowling are neck in neck as the number one casual activity; golf in the summer, bowling in the winter. It would be great to find a place that offers both, the best of...

Country Air Driving Range

Country Air Driving Range

Country Air Driving Range By Brad Parrott In Minnesota the golf season can be just as long as the off-season. If we are lucky, we can start playing golf in March or April, and then continue through October. The die hard players will get out...

Bunker Hills Golf Simulator Lounge

Bunker Hills Golf Simulator Lounge

Bunker Hills Golf Simulator Lounge By Steve Manthis Seven months ago, I wrote about how we had earned an early spring after the snow-filled winter of 2010-2011. On the flip side, last year's winter was such an easy one that we hardly had to put...

Golf Zone – Rain, Snow, Shine – Year-Round Fun

Golf Zone – Rain, Snow, Shine – Year-Round Fun

Golf Zone - Rain, Snow, Shine - Year-Round Fun By Brad Parrott For most golf courses and driving ranges, the fall is a time to wind down for the winter and spring is the time to start getting ready for the season. Some use the winter months to...