Why You Should What What The Pros Do
By Chris Foley
One of my mentors, Hank Haney, always says if you want to get better at something, look at what the best do, and emulate that. If you are lucky enough to attend this month’s PGA Tour Champions event, The 3M Championship, in Blaine there are a lot of things that you can learn and take away to benefit your game.
Spend Some Time on the Driving Range.
If a player is on the range prior to a round, they aren’t practicing, they are warming up. There is a big difference between the two. When a player is warming up they are simply getting their body ready for the golf course. Their getting loose, finding their rhythm and timing, getting a feel for where their golf ball is going that day.
Most players will practice after they play a round. Here are some things to observe.
• Players will switch clubs and targets frequently.
• Most set up some type of practice station with alignment rods and other practice tools.
• Many players go through their full routine as they would on the golf course
On the Putting Green
• Check out all the practice tools the players use. Mirrors, strings, lasers, putting arcs, gates, etc. All of these tools serve a purpose in checking set-up alignments, stroke shape or impact positions.
• Pay attention to the drills and exercises they are using. You can break these into either focusing on distance control or direction.
On the Course – Practice Rounds
• Notice how players may hit a couple of shots off some tees. They may hit a driver and a three wood or iron. They are trying to determine the best line for their game.
• Players will hit chip and pitch shots in areas that they would likely miss the green.
• Players will hit multiple putts on the greens. Generally the pin positions for each day will be marked on the green and players will see how the contours and slopes affect putts from different directions.
• Players will hit multiple putts to get a feel for green speed.
On the Course – Tournament Rounds
• Notice it is rare for a player to miss a green short. The vast majority of the time when an elite player misses a green it is pin high.
• It is rare for a professional to follow a mistake with a mistake. They don’t allow an error to cost them multiple shots. One of the keys to playing great golf is minimizing errors and bringing your mishits more to the center of the golf course
Like my friend Hank Haney says, emulate the things you observe into your game and practice sessions and you will lower your scores and play better golf.
I welcome your feedback and questions. Please contact me at cfoley@ChrisFoleyGolf.com, 218-820-9426. Follow me on Twitter @ChrisFoleyGolf and look for more great practice tips on #PracticeForPerformance Thursdays.