Distance Control In Putting
By Chris Foley
Golf is one of the few games that is not practiced on the actual field of play. Games like football, basketball, tennis, and hockey are all practiced on the court, rink or field where the game is actually played. Unfortunately, in golf, the majority of our practice occurs at a driving range. Most of the time the driving range has no resemblance to the golf course. This environment typically doesn’t lead to great performance on the golf course.
This golf season in each issue of Tee Times, we will present a practice plan, drill, or game that is designed to help you create a great practice situation and help you practice for performance.
Practicing for performance must include the following elements.
1. The drill, game, or exercise needs to create awareness and be engaging. Things like changing targets frequently, creating different sensations or feels, and pushing you out of your comfort zone
2. The practice needs to be measurable. When we measure our practice, it gives us a true gage of how we are doing. From day to day we can track improvement or regression.
3. There needs to be consequence in practice. We need to compete while we practice. This is what truly bridges the gap between the range and the golf course. The practice experience needs to be closer to the actual golf course experience.
Distance control is the most important aspect of great putting. With great distance control you will make more putts and eliminate three putts.
A great exercise to practice distance control is to take five golf balls and select a putt between 20 and 30 feet. Putt the first ball about half way to the hole. The second ball should finish between the first ball and the hole. Repeat the process with the third, fourth and fifth balls. Each successive ball should finish between the previous ball and the hole. If a ball finishes short of the previous ball or past the hole, start the exercise over.
By utilizing this exercise your distance control will become more proficient, you will make more putts and will shot lower scores!
I welcome your feedback and questions. Please contact me at cfoley@ChrisFoleyGolf.com, 218-820-9426. Follow me on Twitter @ChrisFoleyGolf and look for more great practice tips on #PracticeForPerformance Thursdays.