Acceleration Golf And Fitness
By Brad Parrott
Being a golfer from Wisconsin, no matter how good of shape I am in (or not) I can always expect a little soreness after my first few rounds of the new golf season. After 5 to 6 months off of swinging a golf club is all it takes for the muscles to get lazy.
Within just a few minutes of talking with Curt Carbaugh, the owner of Acceleration Golf and Fitness, it was evident he has an answer for sore muscles with the added benefit of improving your golf game, something we all can use even if not from the Midwest.
Acceleration Golf and Fitness is located in Arden Hills, which is a close Northern suburb of St. Paul. It is a modest facility comfortable and welcoming for any level of golfer or athlete.
With more than 15 years in the fitness industry as well as being an avid golfer, owner Curt Carbaugh, with some help, has put together a program focused on the fundamentals of the golf swing as well as body mechanics and strength.
Equipment manufacturers are constantly bombarding golfers with new equipment offering more distance, more forgiveness, or new training techniques guaranteed to take strokes off our game. For most of us, time is a premium, so we try to take advantage of the quick fix. After years of new equipment, on course instruction, and what we learn from watching TV, it is easy to lose sight of the fundamentals.
Focusing on the fundamentals and supporting that with the appropriate flexibility and strength is a way for any level golfer to improve their game. Curt has put together basic exercises we all can do, focused on building the swing from the ground up, and has put it in an environment that is also comfortable.
Acceleration Golf has 5 bays for taking full swings as well as one of the largest indoor greens to work on not only putting, but chipping as well. They offer 3 – 5 week improvement camps, monthly memberships that allow people to use the facility and practice 7 days a week, private lessons, and fitness programs.
If you are looking to keep your swing in shape over the off season, or better yet, improving not only your understanding of the golf swing but also ball striking and distance, check out Acceleration Golf and Fitness in Arden Hills.