Hidden Greens Golf Course
By R.J. Smiley
Farm land is your constant companion as you travel south of Hastings on Highway 61. Then you turn left into Hidden Greens and you are transported into a forested oasis, like Alice in the Wizard of Oz. Hidden Greens Golf Course was built as a labor of love by three generations of Swanson’s, Leonard now 94, his son Allan 60 and Allan’s son, Jason. With a design by Joel Goldstrand early in his career and golf course construction knowledge gained from building Bellwood Oaks Golf Course, their neighbor to the south, they opened the front nine in 1975. Ten years later the back nine was opened. The operation is truly a family affair with Jason serving as General Manager and Superintendent.
For a description of the golf course, just look at the name. Hidden Greens is just what the name implies, a “shot makers” golf course with the slick greens tucked into the mature trees that line every fairway. Position is paramount on the many tight dogleg holes that define this well kept family operation. Hidden Greens is a course that golfers want to play again. It really does not have a signature hole, as most golfers have a hard time remembering any one particular hole. They just say you know that it was really fun place to play with always great turf conditions.