Pierz Golf Course
By R.J. Smiley
The WPA, short for the Works Progress Administration, was a Roosevelt administration program to put people back to work during the Great Depression. Many WPA projects built during those depression years are still in use today. The municipal golf course at Pierz, MN is a wonderful example. City fathers had to choose between a municipal sewer system and a municipal golf course. Between 1932 and 1935 the remarkable golf course was built by 75 men from the area just happy to have a job. Located in the middle of dairy farm country Pierz is not really big enough to have a golf course, but this low-budget 9-holer is truly a Hidden Gem. The towering white pines combined with the Platt River and the small, sloping greens create challenges not normally found in farm country.
The 166 yard par 3, fourth hole could be a signature hole on any golf course. The green is extremely narrow and severely sloped back to front. The river eats any ball landing short and if you take a safe route and get above the cup a two putt is near impossible.
On your next trip to the Brainerd area take Highway 25, and allow two extra hours to visit this Depression era masterpiece. Green fees and cart for a 9-holes are only $20. The golf course has an adjacent camp ground and gives special rates to those who play golf and utilize the camping facilities. Before you leave Pierz, stop at Thelen’s Grocery and pick up some of their world famous bacon.