Evaluate For Success

By Phil Immordino

So last year was maybe your first golf event you have ever done or your 10th. Either way you need to take the time to sit down and evaluate the ‘what worked’, ‘what didn’t work’ and ‘what could we have done’ of your last tournament to make future events even more profitable.

If we do the same things that we have always done in the past we will get the same results in the future. It is important to evaluate last year’s event and make the needed changes to improve on next year’s event. Here are the keys steps in evaluating your event.

1. Send out a survey to all golfers that participated.
2. Have an evaluation meeting with your committee within 2 weeks of the event.
3. Make phone calls to golfers to add the personal touch.

Here are the questions that you should be asking your golfers?
1. How did the time and date work for you?
2. Do you like a morning or afternoon event?
3. Did you like the golf course?
4. Is there any other golf course that you would like to play?
5. What is your opinion of the Goodie bag that you received?
6. Do you feel like you received value for your entry fee?
7. Did you enjoy games, contests and format?
8. Are there other contests that you would like to see?
9. Did you like the pace of play and timing of the awards ceremony?
10. Can we put you down for next year?

These are the question that you should be asking your team.
1. Did we make as much money as we wanted to? What was our goal?
2. Did golfers really like the golf course and did we get the best deal possible?
3. Did every committee member reach their goals and were we happy with them?
4. Did we have enough sponsors and did they get the value that they wanted?
5. Did we have enough golfers and did they get value?
6. Did the format increase our participants?
7. Did the games and contests generate enough revenue?
8. Did the auction generate enough money?
9. Did the event run smoothly? How can we improve?
10. How many committee members, golfers and sponsors will return next year?

With the proper evaluation you will ensure success. We hope these steps will help you ask the right questions and formulate better answers to make your event this coming year an even bigger success.

Good luck with your next event.

GTAA (Golf Tournament Association of America)
PO Box 47405, Phoenix, AZ 85068
602-667-3250 * fax 602-765-1173