Practice Like A Trial Lawyer
By Greg Schulze
Perhaps also look at “practice like a lawyer” in this way. At the end of the trial, the lawyer is required to make his/her CLOSING ARGUMENTS to the jury; and each attorney will try to convince the jury that their argument is most valid. Of course, in your golf development journey, you and your PGA Professional are the lawyer and the jury “dream team!” Your team has to come up with the two sides of the “argument” and create a plan to approach your practice sessions/time the right way. You must convince yourself (the jury) that the way you’ve decided to take the development journey is following the correct, most accelerated and most accurate path!
If your current practice goal is simply to “hit the ball better.” but you have not gathered the relevant “evidence/feedback” into cause and effect, what long-term benefit did you truly gain? Change your practice goals to gathering clearly understood evidence from ball flight, divot patterns and your swing finish positions and once and for all find yourself NOT GUILTY of wasting any more of your precious time and money… that would be a CRIME!