Team Golf

By R.J. Smiley






Everyone knows the Psychic loves golf. He loves playing golf. He loves watching golf. As his time on the planet quickly passes, he loves pondering how the tech savvy younger generation of golfers will be entertained by a game, that is still played with, a stick, a ball and a hole in the ground.

The crystal ball begins to glow as the Psychic adjusts the turban that is part of every trip into the future. Rules, rules, rules, the word is blasted into the Psychic’s eyes like a World War II machine-gun. Slowly, the Psychic understands the message. The Psychic sees a high school graduating class where 40% of students earn a perfect 4.0 GPA. He sees judges drop charges against a repeat offender, releasing him back onto the street only to break the law again. One of the main reasons the Psychic loves golf, it is played with rules not by some subjective values of a referee or a judge. In golf the decision is either black or it is white. The golf ball dropped below the lip of the cup or it costs one more stroke to get it there. A golf ball is either in bounds or it is out of bounds. A swing and miss (a whiff) are a stroke just like a solid shot that goes into the hole for an ace.

Within the glowing orb the Psychic watches as the game of golf is attracting new players while retaining those golfers already addicted. In a world where we lose weight with a diet pill. A world where our best friends are people we text with on social media. In a world with online dating, golf represents true reality.

Why are people drawn to this game that is extremely difficult to play well, he ponders? Why do people continue to play a game where 90+% of the rounds end in failure to live up to expectations prior to the round, he questions?

Images of golf becoming the social activity of choice for millions filled the sphere. With lots of fresh air and a constant breeze, the six-foot rule on the golf course was not important.

The crystal ball is filled with people increasingly using golf as a social happening. The game is played by individuals and casual groups, with a variety of skill levels, attempting to hit a golf ball into a small hole in the ground.

The Psychic sees a rapid growth in evening league golf. Software companies have created user friendly programs that randomly assign teams. Software does the scheduling, scoring and handicaps on a laptop computer. Golfers meet and play with other league players creating new friendships. Golfer course grills at league host courses are now filled with golfers who eat, drink and socialize after league play.

As the Psychic watches his golfing idle since childhood, Jack Nicklaus, one of the founders, is promoting Doubles Golf. Golf courses are filled with two-person scramble teams that compete weekly with local winners competing at a year-end event. With a smile, the Psychic watches as team golf, not unlike The Ryder Cup Matches, has become the new darling of millions of golfers of all abilities. The new game that golfers are attracted to, Doubles Golf, is also computerized.

The Psychic draws away from the glowing orb and covers the crystal ball as he scratches his chin. His thoughts turn to the men’s club at his local muni.

The Psychic fills his tumbler with his favorite, Arnold Palmer, with just a touch of Ketel One Vodka, and relaxes into his recliner.

The men’s league has made some changes for the 2024 season. In the past the Men’s league has staged three events each season: The Club Championship – A stroke play (gross score) event. The Net Club Championship – A stroke play (net score) event. The Spring Scramble – A blind draw event (A, B, C, & D groupings). The Scramble tournament was designed to introduce new league members.

Men’s club research determined that team golf comes in a variety of formats, including 4-person scramble, 2-person scramble, step-away scramble, shamble, foursomes and four-ball. All these formats add strategic depth and unpredictability to the competition. These different formats showcase players’ versatility and adaptability, while keeping players intrigued by the ever-changing dynamics. Because the Scramble event always had the largest number of participants the committee decided to add more team tournaments throughout the season. After a survey of league members, the committee discovered that team events added a layer of drama and excitement. It is not about individual performance but collaboration and strategy.

They learned that team golf tournaments create a sense of camaraderie during competition, a bond is formed among team members that many times transcends to off course relationships.

During these team events the committee determined that prizes (that are regularly individual prizes) will be split among all team members. Proxy (closest to the hole on par-3 holes) are listed by team number not individual golfers, same with skins pots.

With a smile, the Psychic understands that the men’s golf committee is in fact a little smarter than he had thought.