By Greg Schulze
Throughout our lives, we are aware of the “rating” scale of 1-10. It has been used in everything from attractiveness to truthfulness. “On a scale of 1-10…” How can you use this scale for your golf development?
A mentor of mine once posed this question to me while taking a lesson. “If you could swing perfectly, what would it feel like?” Hmm… He then proceeded to ask me to “swing perfectly”. Hmm again. I was intrigued for sure because in order to make a “perfect” swing, we must have a mental conception of the DIFFERENCE between perfect and awful. Is it possible to execute one extreme if you have no knowledge of, or have never experienced the polar opposite? Hmm.
Think of it this way. If I watched you making full swings and after each one I asked you to rank it on a scale of 1-10, I bet you would have an immediate answer. I’ve done this hundreds of times with my clients so I know this happens. Perhaps after the first shot he/she turns to me and says “that was a 7”. My reply could be “how did you come up with that number?” You see, if your instincts KNEW it was a 7 and not a 10, then you MUST “know” what a 10 should feel like! You ranked it a 7 because deep down you knew there was a more efficient swing inside you.
When on the practice range, do you attempt to make “perfect” swings or awful swings? Now before you think that was a stupid question, remember the need to be aware of both ends of any spectrum. A psychologist may claim that the only reason we “know” love is we can compare it to hate! Hot from cold, good from evil, a 1 from a 10, etc. So, is there any downside in practicing an “awful” golf swing (a 1)? NO!
Have fun with this. I have gone through this with many clients during lessons. This exercise has only 2 requirements; first is to “think of nothing”, no trying to do such and such in your swings; No “to-do-list”. Second requirement is to make some contact with the ball for each number. I ask them to start with a “1”, “show me the WORST swing you can possibly make”. How far and straight do you think a “1” goes? A few feet? YES! I then ask them to swing like a 2, then a 3, 4… and finish with a 10.
The key is to FEEL something different each swing. To BELIEVE that your instincts already know how to swing “perfectly”. It is incredible how quickly you can develop a very efficient swing with this “one number at a time” drill.