By Greg Schulze
With only a few set-up and swing adjustments, you can “master” these specialty shots that happen due to wind and on-course obstacles. Try these techniques out on the range then out on the course when you face these conditions.
INTO A HEAVY WIND: We need to lower the ball flight to not allow the wind to affect the flight very much. Using the laws, make these adjustments:
- Ball position slightly behind the centerline of the body to deloft the club = LOWER FLIGHT
- Make a WIDER, LESS WRIST HINGED backswing to make the journey of the clubhead more U-SHAPED = LOWER FLIGHT
- Make a “full-sized”, yet slower motioned swing. Slower motion = LOWER FLIGHT
- Use more club. If it’s a normal 8-iron yardage, use a 6-iron = LOWER FLIGHT
DOWNWIND: We would like to take full advantage of being downwind. So, will it surprise you if the following list is simply the OPPOSITE for into the wind?
- Ball position slightly forward of the centerline of the body to add loft to the club = HIGHER FLIGHT
- Add greater WRIST HINGE to your backswing to make the journey of the clubhead more V-SHAPED = HIGHER FLIGHT
- Make a regular or even faster motioned swing = HIGHER FLIGHT
- To cover the same distance, use less club. If it’s a normal 6-iron distance, use a 8-iron = HIGHER FLIGHT
UNDER THE TREE BRANCHES: (Use the same list as “INTO A HEAVY WIND” above)
OVER THE TREE: (Use the same list as “DOWNWIND” above)
BIG CURVE TO THE RIGHT: Since the Ball Flight Laws prove that the STARTING direction of the ball is primarily due to the clubface position at impact, and the CURVE is primarily due to the clubhead path, the adjustment would therefore be:
- Align body lines LEFT of the target line.
- Place the ball slightly FORWARD of the body centerline (so the clubhead has even more space to be swinging left of the target line by impact)
- Use a LESS lofted club since the “glancing blow” of the clubhead/ball will naturally reduce the direct energy into the ball.
BIG CURVE TO THE LEFT: Will the following list surprise you that it is simply the OPPOSITE of the “big curve to the right” list?
- Align body lines RIGHT of the target line.
- Place the ball slightly BACK of the body centerline (so the clubhead is still on an arc to the right of the target.
- Use a MORE lofted club since the “earlier impact” will have the affect of de-lofting the club.