Burnsville Indoor Golf – High (Definition) Five
By E. Nolan
Golf is a blast in Burnsville. “Blast” as in super fun. “Blast” as in the setting for this simulator studio – inside the vibrant Soccer Blast facility. “I had no idea there was indoor golf there,” a guy said to me at last year’s golf show. “Seriously? Can you not read?”
Just kidding. Kind of. Kind of not. I’ve been telling people about this specific fabulous golf setup in these fabulous pages for four years now, and not just because I’m paid the big bucks to do so. I was promoting “The B.I.G” before I was paid to do so because my son and I LOVED going there to play.
Simulation golf has come a long way from when many of us first started playing it. Long gone are the days when you’d hit a straight shot and your ball would careen (sometimes boomerang) off the screen in some random direction. Long gone are the days when you’d hit a 275-yard 5-iron and it would tell you that you only went 53 yards. These machines are detailed, high-definition and unbelievably accurate (updated weekly “to the tree,” so much so PGA TOUR players and TOUR coaches use them) and Burnsville Indoor Golf has been leading the way in the Twin Cities in this graphic revolution.
Burnsville Indoor Golf has five state of the art HD Golf Simulators that allow you to take your golf game to places you physically couldn’t and perhaps even financially wouldn’t. (High-five to that!) You can play one of my 10 favorite courses in the world – Banff Springs in Alberta, Canada – in the middle of February, when in actuality the course won’t open until the middle of June. You can play Pete Dye’s famed Teeth of the Dog in the Dominican Republic without paying $2,000 a night to stay at the (admittedly worth it) Casa de Campo Resort. And now, in 2019, the B.I.G is giving you the opportunity to play Pebble Beach (not the Pebble Creek up in Becker)… THE Pebble Beach… at the same time the pros will be taking it on, without all that knee-knocking pressure on the first tee (or that $500 green fee). What’s more, this isn’t just an HD Pebble Beach! It’s a brand new, higher-tech 3D Pebble Beach experience! Simulated golf CAN’T get more real!
That’s one of the things I personally love most about these simulators. My son and I will grab our clubs, winter jackets and car keys and head over to the warm confines, drop a mere $70 for two hours, and play some of these courses the TOUR pros are playing, while those events are taking place. We can measure our games… (stop)… HE can measure HIS game against the pros on the screen above us. He can hit the shots that his favorite player Jordan Spieth can, and make the putts that Rory McIlroy can’t. That’s right, you can watch golf on TV while you play (or any sports event for that matter). You can bring your favorite foursome, even create your own gallery of friends if you want, and make the experience as realistic as it is on TV.
Plus… (and this is a big plus) you can eat while you play. The B.I.G’s 19th Hole Sports Grill serves up hot sandwiches and appetizers, pizza and plenty of ice cold drinks (pop, sports drinks, and tap and bottled beers). You can grab your food before the round, pick it up at the turn, or chow down after if you’d like. Or, you can swing your clubs with a burger in your hand. This place is tailor made for how YOU like to play golf… a fabulous place to hang out, and a popular booking for birthday parties, bachelor parties (not ABC’s Bachelor) and even corporate outings.
That’s plenty of praise for a facility that deserves even more. The owners of the golf studio and Soccer Blast are always updating, always upgrading their already stellar facilities and equipment, and always extending a warm welcome to anyone looking for a new place to love. “Make yourself at home here,” owner Tanis Carter says. And thousands of Twin Cities golfers already have