Golf Academy
On the Golf Academy page you will learn valuable tips and lessons by the pros in the world of golf. If you are interested in improving any part of your golf game you will probably find just what you are looking for in Tee Times Magazines large collection of articles and lessons.
It’s All About Speed
There are three elements when looking at putting; direction, distance control, and green reading. Of the three, distance control is the most important.
Divots Can Tell You Everything
Are you aware of the four primary Ball Flight Laws? If you decided to change careers and become a PGA Professional, you’d have to for a passing grade. Without this understanding, I believe that golf instruction would still be a primitive art and certainly not a science.
Improving Your Approach
According to Peter Sanders, golf statistician and founder of the average golfer (15-19 handicap) will have 20 approach shots per round. These approach shots are shots that are hit from 51 yards or more from.
Does Your Improvement Puzzle Have Too Many Pieces?
How many pieces did your first childhood jigsaw puzzle have? I’ve seen them in toy stores with as few as 4 pieces. How many pieces were in the puzzles you bought as you got older and became an adult? More? Why?
Data Driven At Club Champion
Swinging like a PGA TOUR Player probably isn’t going to happen for 99% of us, but if Club Champion has any say in it, we will all be given the best chance possible.
Turning Four Shots Into Three
You always hear that short game is the easiest way to lower your scores and if you look at it statistically, it truly is. According to golf statistician Peter Sanders, founder of Shot by Shot players who shot in the 90’s on average, hitting less than five greens in regulation and save par from off of the green less than 20% of the time.
From an early age, we become aware of the “rating” scale of 1-10. It has been used in everything from attractiveness to truthfulness. “On a scale of 1-10…” How can you use this scale for your golf development?
Choosing The Correct Tee
Golf is always a lot more fun when we play well and shoot a good score. One of the reasons long hitters have an advantage in the game is that they are hitting shorter clubs into greens.
Assessing Your Game
A good friend of mine always says, “A goal without a plan is nothing but a dream!” As we approach the golf season, what are your goals?
Golf Is Fun…When You Know What You Are Doing
Not that long ago I was teaching a beginner golfer. He told me right away about a big work tournament he had coming up in a couple months. Like most golfers new to the sport he thought it was important to get the ball into the air with some regularity.
Screen Golf
Over the course of the golf season, each month in this column we will be sharing ideas to help improve your golf game without changing your golf swing. We will talk about things like efficient practice methods, equipment, course management and new technology.
Making The Most Of Winter
October/November means the end of the golf season for most of us in Minnesota. But just because the season is ending, it doesn’t mean that you have to stop working on your golf game.
CHIP SHOT, Have A Ball Not A Strike!
The most important shot in golf may be the chip shot. Why? Because most players (average scores over 80?) do not “hit the green in regulation (have a birdie putt) very often.
Lowering Your Scoring Barrier
Getting comfortable shooting lower scores and analyzing and working on the areas impacting your game will go a long way in lowering your comfort zone and scoring barrier!
The most important aspects to improving your ability to hit successful bunker shots are…
Practice For Performance
If a player is on the range prior to a round, they aren’t practicing, they are warming up. There is a big difference between the two.