Golf Academy
On the Golf Academy page you will learn valuable tips and lessons by the pros in the world of golf. If you are interested in improving any part of your golf game you will probably find just what you are looking for in Tee Times Magazines large collection of articles and lessons.
It’s All About Impact – Club Face
On a center of the clubface strike, the clubface has the biggest influence on the direction that the golf ball starts.
It would be best if each range practice session began with a number of ¼, ½ and ¾ length pitch shots with your sand wedge.
It’s All About Impact – Low Point
In striking the golf ball, impact is where the clubface gives the golf ball all its instructions on its flight.
Exaggerated Practice – Are You Willing To Look Different?
Should your practice energy and goal be to change yourself or what happens to the ball? In early learning stages you CAN’T have both.
Mastering The Art Of Putting – Green Reading
The way a ball moves on the putting green is simply the effect of gravity. Gravity moves the ball in the direction of the low point.
The Clubhead Was Not Designed To Hit The Ball
Did the title of this piece surprise you? Regardless, it is true. The iron clubhead was not designed to hit the ball, it was designed to strike the GROUND.
Mastering The Art Of Putting
Distance control is the most important element in putting. With good distance control a higher percentage of makeable putts are made, and the chance of three putting is greatly reduced.
Set-Up And Swing Dependence
To see lasting improvement in golf (or any other field for that matter) relevant understanding must become the ultimate goal. Do you understand the importance of developing your best set-up?
Mastering The Art Of Putting
This month we are going to focus on the stroke mechanics. The basis of good stroke mechanics is the set-up. As we discussed in the last issue of Tee Times, commonalties of the set-up of great putters include the following.
Overhanded Or Underhanded…Swing Image
To transfer technical requirements for your full swing (good for the practice areas) to the actual golf course (when technical details hamper your athleticism and instincts), each player should strive towards simple triggers and/or images to instruct the body on what it needs it to do.
Mastering The Art Of Putting – Set Up
Over the course of the season, in each issue of Tee Times we will cover an aspect of putting in this column. Becoming a great putter is part of the game that doesn’t require exceptional athletic ability, great club head speed, or a great deal of time and energy.
Do You Have A Slice-Hook Swing?
Sounds like a silly title, but ALL players have “elements” within their set-up and swing which by themselves would PROMOTE an off-line starting line and/or curve combination.
Making The Most Of Winter
October/November means the end of the golf season for most of us in Minnesota. But just because the season is ending, it doesn’t mean they you have to stop working on your golf game.
Transition “Timing” It Just Right
How might you respond if I claimed there is a good chance that you may never have focused or practiced the MOST vital area of the full swing?
Pace Of Play/Pre-Shot Routine
While incidences of slow play on the PGA TOUR are a concern because of the trickle-down effect that it has on everyday play, slow play in the amateur game and at your local golf course is a major hindrance to the game of golf.
Practice Like A Trial Lawyer
“Practice like a trial lawyer” means that the attorney’s job is to gather and discover evidence one way or the other about his/her client and the incident that caused them to “get together” in the first place.