Golf Academy
On the Golf Academy page you will learn valuable tips and lessons by the pros in the world of golf. If you are interested in improving any part of your golf game you will probably find just what you are looking for in Tee Times Magazines large collection of articles and lessons.
It’s All About Layers
Who could ever forget the iconic scene in “A Christmas Story” when Ralphie’s little brother Randy was dressed up in so many layers by his mother, the kid could hardly move. Personally, I get flashbacks to my youth in suburban Chicago in the early 1970’s.
Practice Stations
If you are lucky enough to attend the Ryder Cup at the end of this month, something that you will likely see if you observe players on the practice range or putting green is that they have a “practice station” set up or using different tools to make their practice more efficient.
How To Go Low On The Course
You just pulled your second shot on the par five and its heading towards a group of trees.
Game Improvement vs Improve Your Game
Recently I had one of the most interesting conversations with a student I’ve had in many, many years. I’d even say it was one of the most confounding conversations in my career.
Can Hiring A Personal Trainer Help Your Golf Game?
Most golfers decide at one point or another they need a little bit of help with their golf game. If that is you would you turn to a personal trainer?
Why You Should What What The Pros Do
One of my mentors, Hank Haney, always says if you want to get better at something, look at what the best do, and emulate that.
Fairway Bunkers
To an average golfer, a fairway bunker is an ultimate “That’s Golf” scenario because they land in them almost every round. And no, golf ball magnets are not buried under the sand as most golfers think they are!
From the Sublime to the Ridiculous
Recently, Bubba Watson went on a media circus tour to unveil the latest “advancement in golf.” Watson, sponsored by apparel and sun glass company Oakley, hit all the media outlets to talk about the company’s new “flying golf cart.”
Your Own Personal Trainer Workout
Have you ever wondered if you could do anything to help you hit the ball farther or harder?
Distance Control In Putting
Distance control is the most important aspect of great putting. With great distance control you will make more putts and eliminate three putts.
Gotta Curve That Ball!
You are one down in your match on the 16th tee. It’s the middle of the summer and the course hasn’t seen much rain in weeks, so the fairways are pretty firm. You hit a good drive down the fairway, but your ball kicks to the right near a couple of trees.
A Wedge is a Wedge is a Wedge!
Recently I was having a conversation with a long time PGA Professional and dear friend. We started looking at a collection of old clubs he had in his office. One of them was a Wilson Sarazen Sand Wedge.
Why You Need To Stretch AFTER Your Round
This month we will go over static stretches you can do once your game is over. Dynamic stretches help to warm your body up for the upcoming activity.
The “9 Shot” Test
A great self-assessment tool to see where you are at with your ball striking is to see how many of the “9 shots” you can hit. There are really only nine shots in golf when we look at trajectory and the direction the ball curves.
Deep, Deep Rough
You are on your back nine of the day and playing decent golf. Your driver has been working pretty well for you today and that’s a good thing because your two buddies who teed off ahead of you both blasted what seemed like 300 yard drives.
But Wait…There’s More!
We’ve all heard that line. Whether it’s a new knife set, the latest cleaning product or even golf training aids, advertisers always claim their product is not only the best…BUT THERE’S MORE!