Golf Academy

Golf Academy

On the Golf Academy page you will learn valuable tips and lessons by the pros in the world of golf. If you are interested in improving any part of your golf game you will probably find just what you are looking for in Tee Times Magazines large collection of articles and lessons.

Golf Course Warm-ups

Golf Course Warm-ups

If you have been following my articles you know that we have been talking about workouts you can do at home and at the gym to get you ready for the golf season. Now, it’s the time to talk about warm-ups you can do at home or on the golf course to make sure your body is ready.

Hand Action Explained

Hand Action Explained

I just read a quote that stated, “85% of golfers don’t know how a strong or weak grip affects ball flight.” I was saddened, but not surprised by that statement. And, I believe that lack of understanding is the fault of golf instructors.

Don’t Make These Putting Set-up Mistakes

Don’t Make These Putting Set-up Mistakes

Over the years of giving putting lessons, I’ve noticed three common errors in set-up that can affect distance and direction. Avoid these errors and you will putt better.

The Full Swing Set Up

The Full Swing Set Up

How we address the ball has a major influence on what happens at impact and what we do in the golf swing. Our swing is built around our set-up and when we are not in an efficient set-up position, the rest of the swing tends to be a series of compensations.

The Great Debate

The Great Debate

In 1858, then U.S. Senatorial Candidates from the State of Illinois, Abraham Lincoln and Stephen Douglas faced off in a series of seven debates that have become known as The Great Debates.

How Is Your Grip?

How Is Your Grip?

Repetition: “A training exercise that is repeated, or in music, the repeating of a passage or note”. I have an interesting side career as a PGA Teaching Professional; I’m also the drummer for Tim Mahoney, a major local recording artist who has competed on the TV show The Voice.

Get Your Body Ready For Golf Season – At Home

Get Your Body Ready For Golf Season – At Home

It’s a lot of twisting, bending, carrying your golf bag, activities you have not done all winter. Before heading out on the golf course let’s take this month to get your body ready for the upcoming golf season.

Putter Fitting

Putter Fitting

While my friend Chris Foley just discussed getting fit for the driver so you can hit it farther, the “short of it” topic this month is about getting fit for a club that can reduce your score. I highly recommend you get fitted for this all-important scoring club.

Driver Fitting

Driver Fitting

With the advancement and availability of launch monitor technology, and the convenience of adjustable driver heads and shafts, there is no reason a golfer should not be fit when buying a new driver. Driver fitting is all about finding a driver with the loft and shaft that allows you to optimize distance.

Having A Ball

Having A Ball

If you ask Jack Nicklaus or Gary Player, the number one thing that is hurting today’s game is…the ball. Yes, that little white orb that turns otherwise normal adults into flailing masses of arms and legs all to set it in motion is the problem.

3 Tips For Exercise Beginners

3 Tips For Exercise Beginners

If you are thinking about starting up a workout routine as a beginner, there are some common tips I would like to share with you to help you know what to expect in your workout and pointers to guide you to success.

Practice Like Arnold Did

Practice Like Arnold Did

With the passing of Arnold Palmer, I wanted to share a story that my friend Brad Brewer told with me regarding how Mr. Palmer practiced.

It’s All Downhill From Here!

It’s All Downhill From Here!

For the final 2016 “That’s Golf” scenario we’ve come across a somewhat scary shot that with a little practice can become fairly easy. That would be a downhill, next to the green shot.