Golf Academy

Golf Academy

On the Golf Academy page you will learn valuable tips and lessons by the pros in the world of golf. If you are interested in improving any part of your golf game you will probably find just what you are looking for in Tee Times Magazines large collection of articles and lessons.

Escaping The Bunker

Escaping The Bunker

Too often we all try to make a bunker shot harder than we need to. We have all seen the magazines, golf channels, and other outlets talking about how we have to make a completely different swing and set up for a bunker shot.

Engaging Juniors With Uneven Lies

Engaging Juniors With Uneven Lies

My purpose in the golf industry is to help grow the game. For me, there’s no better way to do that than through working with kids. The ToughLie 360 has helped me engage and develop young golfers in lessons and uneven lies.

Knowing Your Wedge Distances

Knowing Your Wedge Distances

Anytime we have a wedge in our hands, it is a scoring opportunity. The closer our average proximity to the hole, the more pars and birdies we make. One of the reasons Dustin Johnson is currently the number one player in the world, is improved wedge play.

Stop Trying To Be Perfect

Stop Trying To Be Perfect

According to, the 4th meaning of the word perfect is “entirely without flaws, defects or shortcomings.” As an instructor, I know that to achieve that in the golf swing is impossible but something we all should strive for.

Heel Up!

Heel Up!

Rain, rain, and more rain have greenside rough long, gnarly, and nasty. What do you do when the ball sits deep in the rough next to the green? Conditions that cause players to either stub chips or blade them into oblivion. “Heel Up” is the answer!

3 Drills In 15 Minutes To Putt Better

3 Drills In 15 Minutes To Putt Better

There are 4 keys to great putting- green reading, proper aim, starting the ball online and speed control. Each key or skill needs to be practiced.

From The Fringe

From The Fringe

While some golfers prefer to putt from the fringe, my preference is to chip. When I’m asked why I don’t putt, my response is always: YOU MIGHT KNOW THE SPEED OF THE GREEN, BUT YOU DON”T KNOW THE SPEED OF THE FRINGE!

Out Of The Rough

Out Of The Rough

When faced with a shot out of the rough, there are a few factors that we need to consider to properly execute the shot. Shots being hit from the rough are not nearly as straight forward as a shot hit from a nice lie in the fairway.

The Magic of Television

The Magic of Television

Advancements in technology in the last 100 years almost seem miraculous. Automobiles, airplanes, bullet trains, the Internet, cell phones (heck phones at all) and yes golf equipment have all either changed dramatically or been invented in the last century.

13 Seconds

13 Seconds

13 seconds. Doesn’t seem like a lot of time does it? But, that’s exactly how long it takes me to hit a golf ball. Do you know how long it takes you? If you don’t, read on!

Eating Healthy On The Course

Eating Healthy On The Course

You get to the course early to do your warm-ups, you stretch after your game and in between playing golf you are increasing your strength with exercises. Improving your golf game is not just about fitness it also involves healthy eating.

Basics Of Chipping

Basics Of Chipping

Chipping used to be referred to as shots that are close to the green, like the fringe. But the longer I’m around this game the longer a chip has become. Take the Drive, Chip and Putt Championship that is held the Sunday before the Masters at Augusta.

Iron Basics

Iron Basics

The biggest factor in scoring is the number of greens a player hits in regulation; hitting a par 3 green in 1, par 4 green in two, and a par 5 green in 3. The more greens a player hits the lower the score they will shoot.

Slight of Hand

Slight of Hand

The first major of the year occurred in April at the LPGA ANA/Inspirational and if that major was any indication, this year’s major season will have a major impact on golf.

How To Find Your Rhythm

How To Find Your Rhythm

Rhythm is very important to all shots; putting, chipping, pitching, iron play, driving and everything in between can be helped with better rhythm. How do you find it? Let’s look at some ways you can improve your rhythm.