How To Get Out Of The Trees

By Chris Foley

When you are playing golf on our beautiful tree-lined courses here in the upper Midwest, you are likely to encounter situations were you have to hit out of those majestic trees if you hit a wayward drive. The first priority in hitting out of the trees is to select a shot that will get you out of the trouble and into a position that will not cost you another shot. In most situations you are going to have to hit the ball low and through a narrow opening. A controlled, shorter swing with the right club will produce a low ball flight that gets you out of trouble and into a position where you can minimize your error. Here’s how to get out of the shade and back in play:

1. When the situation calls for a low shot, choose a club with less loft than you need for the distance you want to hit the ball – a 6-iron from your normal 8-iron distance, for example. Then grip down on the handle of the club to control the distance you’re going to hit the ball. Move the ball back in your stance and set up to the ball with your weight on your foot closest to the target.

2. In making the swing, cock your wrists to take the club up steeper than normal in your takeaway. The length of the backswing will be shorter that a normal full swing. Keep the majority of your weight on your target foot and hit down and through the ball, keeping your hands ahead of the clubface through impact.

Try this technique the next time you find yourself in our beautiful Minnesota woods and you will have a safe shot back onto the fairway.